Sångare Ira Kaspi som en del av din sångresa
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Ira Kaspi SångStudio i Helsingfors specialiserar sig på sångundervisning och Estill Voice Training sångpedagogik. Fråga gärna om ni vill boka oss till kursundervisningar till andra orter. Vi undervisar också på nätet via zoom konferensprogrammet.
Boka Ira
Ira Kaspi är en jazzsångare med still och erharenhet. Boka gärna Ira som solist till evenemang.
Prisen till enskilda sångtimmar samt sångtimme paket hittar ni i vår nätbutik. Be gärna erbjudande till enskilda kurser bl.a jazzsång och Estill Voice Training introduktions dagar.
To whom it may concern!
I have taught Ira Kaspi in an American Scientific Voice Model, Estill Voice Training TM, (EVT) for many years! I have been with this Voice Model myself for nearly 30 years, and I was taught by the founder of EVT, Jo Estill!
This Voice Model, EVT, evolved from research, done by the American Opera singer, Jo Estill throughout more than 30 years. In this Model, we must be able to show good competencies in 13 Basic Voice Figures (Exercises) and 6 Voice Qualities, Speech, Falsetto, Sob, Twang, Belting and Opera. Furthermore, teachers of EVT must have a good understanding of Voice Research in general – and anatomy, acoustics, diction, etc.
Ira Kaspi became a certified Estill Master Trainer (EMT) of Estill Voice Training in 2017 and has since then been working hard to develop her competences further as an Estill Master Trainer by assisting public Estill courses in Helsinki, arranging Introductory workshops and practice groups in the EVT, etc.
She has a long experience as a voice/singing teacher, (both groups and individually), and I have experienced Ira Kaspi as a very dedicated and serious teacher, who has outstanding skills herself as a performer within many different styles, both jazz/pop/soul, folk and classical style!
Ira Kaspi has been a singing teacher at the Sibelius Academy of Helsinki for many years and apart from that running her own Music school. She has achieved lots of insights and understanding of voice, dealing with singers of all kinds and backgrounds and prospects!
I can only give Ira Kaspi my warmest recommendations, as I see her as a truly skilled and intelligent teacher, who is capable of guiding and teaching all kinds of artists, singers and performers!
Helga Westmark
Estill Mentor & Certified Course Instructor with Testing Privileges advanced
Singer/pianist and Voice teacher
Copenhagen, Denmark
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